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#![cfg(target_arch = "avr")]
//! This is the arduboy_rust crate
//! To get started import the [prelude] to your project.
//! Import the module:
//! ```
//! use arduboy_rust::prelude::*;
//! ```
//! ### Disable C++ libraries
//! Inside the project directory is a file named `config.toml`
//! You can disable C++ libraries in the `config.toml` file.
//! Just comment the unused library definition out.
//! Be careful with disabling libraries because:
//! - The only error you get is something like this if you try to use a function that relies on the library you disabled.
//! ```text
//! game.90c69b91e57f285-cgu.0:(.text.loop+0x290): undefined reference to `sound_tone'
//! ```
//! - the benefit of disabling will be important in the feature when I add support for the ArduboyG library etc.
//! To get an idea, the ArduboyTones Library needs additional 2-3% of the flash memory.
//! <a href="https://github.com/zenndev1337/rust-for-arduboy" target="_blank">Here is the link to the GitHub Repo</a>
extern crate panic_halt;
pub mod hardware;
mod libraries;
pub mod prelude;
pub extern crate heapless;
pub use crate::libraries::{
arduboy2_library, arduboy_tones_library, arduboyfx_library, arduino_system, ardvoice_library,